NSW Plastics: The Way Forward

15 September 2024

NSW EPA has released its draft paper "NSW Plastics: The Way Forward" for feedback

The EPA has released its draft paper “NSW Plastics: The Way Forward“ for consultation. Feedback is open until Monday 4th November 2024. The paper outlines many proposals to reduce the environmental impacts of single use plastics, including phasing out problematic and unnecessary items such as plastic lolly pop sticks and bread tags; restrictions on the supply of heavy weight (boutique-style) plastic shopping bags; and requirements for many other items to be designed for recycling and recovered.

Circular Plastics Illawarra is referenced in the draft paper on page 32, in the section on heavyweight plastic shopping bags. This was from Circular Plastics Illawarra's submission of 4th February 2024 to "NSW Plastics: Next Steps" paper released on October 2023.

Helen Lewis from Circular Plastics Illawarra was interviewed about the contents of the EPA NSW draft paper on ABC Illawarra's Breakfast show with Melinda James on Monday 9th September 2024.

The interview starts 4 minutes and 8 seconds after the end of the player elapsed time slider bar allows you to fast forward to, at 2:20:55. Slide the slide bar at the bottom right of the player to the very end (all the why to the right). Then let the player play for another 4 mins 27 secs. Interview runs for about 4 mins 10 secs.


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