We recognise that plastics are useful and necessary in many applications, including packaging. Problems with plastics have arisen because of increasing levels of consumption and waste, and the lack of reuse and recycling systems to recover these valuable, non-renewable resources.

Plastic pollution is a significant concern to the residents of the Illawarra. Around 2.6 million tonnes of plastic waste was generated in Australia 2020-21, and only 14% was recycled. Globally Australia is the second highest generator of single use plastics per person at 59 kilograms.

Plastic litter is commonly found along the beautiful beaches and waterways of the Illawarra, making it a highly visible example of the unsustainable use of plastics.

Microplastics are the most damaging form of litter as they are easily ingested by animals, birds, and marine life. They are particularly harmful to organisms at all levels of the food chain, acting as a vector for harmful bacteria and transferring toxic chemicals into the environment. Their presence in both soil and aquatic
natural habitats has been shown to disrupt ecosystem functioning through the alteration of carbon and nutrient cycling processes.

Increasing the circularity of plastics and other materials is also essential to meeting our climate change goals. According to the Ellen Macarthur Foundation, energy efficiency and renewable energy will only address 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions. To reach net zero, we also need to change the way we make and use products, materials, and food. A circular economy for plastics helps in several ways including:

  • reducing consumption and eliminating plastic waste reduces greenhouse gas emissions across the whole value chain

  • circulating plastic products, packaging and materials through reuse or recycling retains their embodied energy

Action is being taken at a global level through the negotiation of a legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution. Australian governments are also starting to take action through the National Plastics Plan and initiatives in each state and territory.

While the problems with plastics are global, we know that solutions need to be implemented at a local level.

Help us reduce plastic waste in the Illawarra.