Our vision is a circular economy for plastics in the Illawarra in which unnecessary plastics have been eliminated and all plastic products and packaging are either reusable or recyclable.

At a practical level this requires all of us as individuals and organisations to avoid unnecessary and non-recyclable single use plastics and to use reusable packaging wherever possible. Within our region we need more convenient options to recycle plastic packaging (preferably in our kerbside bin or convenient drop-off facilities), plastics recycling and remanufacturing facilities located within our region where feasible, and local businesses and organisations buying back recycled resins and recycled products.

The Ellen Macarthur Foundation has identified three principles for a circular economy:

  1. Design out waste and pollution. This means designing products and packaging to be safe and recyclable at the end of their life.

  2. Circulate products and materials at their highest value. This means keeping materials in use, either as a product or, when that can no longer be used, as components or raw materials. There are many strategies to achieve this including sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing products as long as possible.

  3. Regenerate nature. By moving from a take-make-waste linear economy to a circular economy, we support natural processes and leave more room for nature to thrive.

Help us reduce plastic waste in the Illawarra.